Siavash Haji is ready to take on the world of film after completing an Access to Higher Education Diploma in English, Writing and Media with UCEN Manchester.
With his new qualification on his CV, Siavash will continue his studies in filmmaking in London. We spoke to him about how his tutors and classmates helped to deliver a “transformative” experience.
I chose to study at UCEN Manchester because it was the only institution offering the access course that I needed. I felt confident about it. UCEN Manchester was committed to providing opportunities to individuals like myself.
Now that I’ve achieved my qualification, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. It surpassed my own expectations. However, there is also a tinge of melancholy when I say goodbye to this place.
It was transformative. The tutors were not only knowledgeable, they were also like mentors to me. They went above and beyond their duty, creating a nurturing environment and room for personal growth alongside the academic development for myself and the other students.
I think it was the tutors. The tutors and also meeting like-minded people. The chemistry with my classmates was fabulous.
I’m ready to continue my studies in filmmaking in London next year.
My long term career aspirations involved making my mark in the world of film.
Of course, I would wholeheartedly recommend UCEN Manchester to those seeking a transformative educational experience. The specialised course, nurturing environment and the sense of community make it an exceptional institution for personal and academic growth.
Find out more about our Access to Higher Education courses and apply today.