Student Life

Student Representation

A student reading a book

Get involved and shape your student experience.

Access and Participation Plan Student Consultation Group

The Access and Participation Plan (APP) is designed to help us understand and increase the outcomes of students from the following groups:

  • Students who grew up in low socio-economic areas (SES)
  • Students from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority backgrounds 

Become a part of the APP Student Consultation Group

Who we are looking for?

A current UCEN Manchester student who is passionate about increasing the continuation and attainment of students from the two selected groups, who is enthusiastic and able to work collaboratively with others to collate students’ experiences and create meaningful solutions.

  • Express your interest by contacting - Student Voice Coordinator 
  • The online meetings take place once a month via Microsoft Teams.
  • If you cannot attend the meeting, but would still like to contribute your ideas, thoughts or experiences, please also contact the above email.

*Please read the UCEN Manchester Access and Participation Plan for more information on why we are targeting the two groups.

Student Advocates

Paid role | £9.50 p/h | Applications close 30 September for an October start.

The main purpose of this role is to assist the Outreach Coordinator, wider Student Engagement Team and Marketing Team in widening participation, outreach and recruitment activities associated with UCEN Manchester. The role has 3 main areas. Students can choose to work in all areas, or choose one/two. The areas are as follows:

As a recruitment ambassador

  • Deliver campus tours/virtual campus tours for prospective students and their advisers.
  • Support curriculum staff at open days/online open days and subject taster events.
  • Speak to prospective students at Higher Education fairs

As an outreach ambassador

  • Facilitate and support a wide range of workshops and presentations, aimed at promoting higher education to school aged pupils their key influencers.
  • Share your experiences of higher education with school aged pupils and their advisers in a positive and enthusiastic way.
  • Online mentor a small group of school aged pupils about their higher education options.
  • Be aware of appropriate Data Protection protocols that must be adhered to.
  • For this area you will be required to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This is standard policy for all staff and students working with pre- higher education students.

As a digital ambassador

  • Create content on what it’s like to be a student to support recruitment which may include:
    • Video content
    • Social media q+a’s or takeovers
    • Blogs/interviews on set topics


Student Reps

What is the role of a student rep?

The role of a student rep is to both proactively seek and represent the views, questions and experiences of their academic peers to staff. Our student reps work in collaboration with UCEN Manchester staff to improve the academic experience for students. Each one is responsible for representing students in a specified course group.

It's important to us for you to have a voice and an input on every part of your experience at UCEN Manchester and our talented, passionate student reps are crucial to this.

What's involved and why join?

  • Be passionate about your course and classmates, by attending three meetings on their behalf.
  • Work together to proactively problem solve any feedback from your peers.
  • Free rewarding end of year celebration and certificate for your CV
  • Save the date - attend the Online Student Rep Training Day 

I loved being a student rep! One of the other reps saw me at a students conference as a fresh unconfident face and invited me over to a group of reps and from there I flourished in my 3 years of study.

I was in a small class on a new course, so I wanted to be in a position to make sure we were represented and our feedback was passed on. It also pushed me out of my comfort zone a little which was really good for me, I realised it was easy!

Student Union Officers

The Students’ Union (SU) is run by students, for students, and is here to support you.


  • Internal surveys are distributed (see your Student Handbook for live dates) about your induction process, student experience and as module evaluations so your programme can be improved year on year
  • Make sure your voice is heard by taking part and encouraging your peers to participate
  • Take part in the National Student Survey (NSS) for eligible students in their final year of a two or more year programme. This survey is externally run live February to April.


  • Submit your news stories, headlines and achievements to the newsletter for publication
  • Read the newsletter on Moodle (via the Student Engagement tab)
  • For students by students.

Student Newsletter

Newsletters are published in Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. Submit your story to Student Voice Coordinator.

Got a Question?

Our teams are here to help, whatever your query.