The Arden School of Theatre offers guaranteed auditions to ALRA students and applicants

Prison scene dress rehearsal taking place the The Arden School of Theatre

Following the sudden closure of The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts, The Arden School of Theatre offers auditions to impacted students.

In response to the closure of The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts (ALRA), based in Wigan, on Monday 4 April 2022, Manchester’s Arden School of Theatre has offered a guaranteed free audition to affected students and applicants.

In a show of support for those impacted by the news, the offer of a guaranteed audition applies to any offer holder for entry to an equivalent course, with a view to securing a place at the prestigious Arden School of Theatre commencing in September 2022.  Current ALRA students are also invited to discuss the opportunity to progress their studies at The Arden.

Those who successfully secure a place as a result of the offer will join The Arden at an exciting time as it moves into brand-new, state-of-the-art facilities in Manchester city centre, next door to the AO Arena.  Based in UCEN Manchester’s City Campus Manchester, students will work in a professional standard, 180 seat theatre, specialist screen and radio facilities, and industry standard rehearsal rooms. 

Commenting on the offer, Arden Director Rob Owen said: “Over the past two years students have experienced a huge amount of disruption and uncertainty due to the pandemic. For those students impacted by the closure of ALRA this is yet a further challenge for them to overcome, as they work towards a career in the vibrant performing arts sector.

“As such we want to offer them the opportunity to continue their studies at The Arden, in an easy and accessible way. We hope that ALRA students and applicants will be able to take up this offer and progress on to studying with us in our brand-new facilities in the heart of Manchester.”

Impacted students and applicants who want to find out more about studying at The Arden should contact