Arrangements For Obtaining The Views of Staff and Students
The Instrument & Articles of Government of the Institution require the publication of arrangements for consulting with students and staff on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the Institution and the oversight of its activities.
The Learner Voice is at the heart of the UCEN Manchester's decision making and quality assurance processes. Learners/students are consulted via the following means:
- Student/learner focus groups
- Student surveys carried out by UCEN Manchester
- Course representative feedback
- Student Council
- Feedback from students/learners feeds into UCEN Manchester's quality assurance and review processes.
UCEN Manchester seeks to engage with staff through the following opportunities:
- Staff surveys
- Joint Consultation Committees
- Staff Briefings by the Executive Team and Principalship Team
- UCEN Manchester Committees and Focus Groups
Staff and Student Governors
Staff and Student governors are elected to the LTE Group Board and play a full part in the business of the Board. In addition to its responsibility to review the educational character, mission, values and strategic priorities. A HE Divisional Board has been established to monitor all the aspects of the HE provision, financial performance and outcomes for HE learners.